Friday, 5 October 2012

The Joys of Toilet Training...

Cooper Hendrix has been home with us now for 5 nights. He is a bundle of joy and so beautiful.
Although, let me tell you - raising a puppy is hard work!!

He is like an energizer bunny and then falls asleep, energizer bunny and then back to sleep and so on.

I have so many things that I could talk about now but I will take it one step at a time. So lets begin with toilet training…

Toilet training needs to begin the very second you bring your pup home. Take the puppy straight outside to the spot you would like them to go.

Avoid avoid avoid is my motto!!

Take your pup outside straight after he wakes up, after he plays and after he eats. Just make sure to take your pup out every hour. The key is to not let your puppy make a mistake – and make sure to really praise him when he releases himself outside.

We are using ‘good toilet’ to try and get Cooper used to the word ‘toilet’. Give him a good pat and even a treat instantly if you have one handy. Puppy’s and dogs have a pretty short memory so timing is crucial – don’t give him a treat two minutes later – only give a treat that very second he finishes. And that also goes for telling him off when he releases himself in the house – there is no point telling him off when you find it half an hour later – he wont remember what he did wrong. It really is all about being positive – you don’t want to scare your puppy while he is in the act, as you don’t want them to think that releasing themselves is bad – so yes – I totally disagree with rubbing your dogs nose in their business!! But you can tell him off when you catch him in the act.
We have been pretty lucky with Coop – he has peed inside twice and that is it. One of the times, I knew he needed to go, I waited outside with him for about 45minutes and then my patience grew thin and I brought him back inside – literally 20 seconds later he peed on the carpet. The trick is to make sure you have the right products to get rid of the smell otherwise your puppy will keep going back to the same spot. And be patient!

We are also lucky enough to have a doggy door that is in the laundry where he sleeps. After 2 days of being with us he could use it all by himself and after 3 nights – he was using it during the night rather than going on the newspaper in the laundry. Jase and I trained him by holding the flap up and having one on either side with a treat, encouraging him – he is a very quick learner!!

How have you gone toilet training your pup??
Cooper visiting my work at The Big Group
Cooper with his cousin Diesel

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